Establishing Homeless Programs for Veterans Living in Rural Communities


The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reported that one in five homeless adults (one in three homeless adult males) in the United States is a Veteran. Although difficult to measure accurately, the number of homeless Veterans in 2009 was estimated to be 107,000, representing every war and generation, including current Operation Enduring Freedom-Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) operations.

In its Strategic Plan FY 2010-2014, VA set an ambitious five-year goal to end homelessness among Veterans. As part of this effort, the agency determined that homeless services need to be based in rural communities in order to best assist rural homeless Veterans. In addition to their struggle to obtain shelter, food, and medical care, rural homeless Veterans also face significant challenges in simply arranging for transportation to get to a health care facility that might be hours away.


The VA Capitol Health Care Network engaged Atlas Research to oversee a pilot project to provide homeless and homeless prevention services in rural communities at four Community-Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) within the Network. 

Atlas deployed VA-credentialed case managers who work as members of VA’s Health Care for Homeless team to foster partnerships among homeless programs, mental health service providers, CBOCs, and community stakeholders to determine ongoing service needs to supplement, rather than duplicate, existing efforts. The case managers collaborate with rural communities to identify homeless Veterans; enroll homeless Veterans into the VA system; complete mental and physical assessments; and focus on locating, reaching out to, and educating homeless Veterans on available health services. 

The program includes a unique partnership with correctional health care providers to provide early identification, mental health and substance abuse service, health education, re-entry planning, and homelessness prevention services to incarcerated Veterans


In just three months, the Rural Homeless Outreach and Homeless Prevention Services program served 17 Veterans, made 127 community contacts, resulting in 11 Veteran referrals. Atlas case managers continue to focus on identifying homeless or at-risk for homelessness Veterans, determining service needs, enhancing Veteran enrollment, and facilitating clinical assessment and consultation.