Strategic Communications
We believe innovation-driven communications are what energizes and sustains our clients’ vision, strategy, growth, and confidence.
We connect our clients to the brightest innovators, making us critical partners in strengthening relationships and mobilizing support.
We help our clients drive action, move opinion, lead change, achieve objectives, and anticipate and respond to what’s next.
Our clients have important stories to tell. They are the stories that matter most to them, and to us. Yet, our clients tell us that in today’s complex, competitive, and rapidly changing environment, telling a good, even great, story is no longer enough. We agree. We believe, as do our clients, that the best values of communications and marketing are driving innovation, creating connections to the best and brightest, and achieving the results our clients want and need.
VA Communication Support Services for Choose VA
Client: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Atlas Research is developing an extensive marketing and communications campaign for ChooseVA, a VA initiative that will fundamentally change how VA communicates with and engages internal and external stakeholders. Campaign support includes developing the communications strategy; developing and delivering training for VA leaders and managers; generating promotional collateral for print, television, and digital; and providing strategic/tactical program management support.
Communicating for Results is our core mission. We achieve this by engaging: 1) INNOVATION—the starting point for ideating and moving the needle on our clients’ most critical challenges; 2) CONNECTION —how we unite thought leaders, innovators, and problem-solvers to create unique partnerships that tap into diversity; and 3) RESULTS—to ensure that we are always results-driven, convert great ideas into action, continually innovate, and deliver what our clients want and expect .
Communications Science
We apply cognitive, social, and behavioral science research and methods to assess target audiences/behaviors, inform strategy/message development, analyze processes and operations, and measure outcomes and impacts. We employ human-centered and design-thinking research concepts, principles, and methods. We apply qualitative and quantitative methods to set clear success metrics and measure messaging effectiveness. Our team reviews existing research and benchmarking to measure success of awareness, engagement, behavior change, and customer service.
Branding and Advertising Campaign Development/Execution
We align organizational objectives with market research to craft comprehensive campaigns that encompass the development of logo, advertising, and associated strategies that resonate with the target audience.
Change Communications
We adapt a structured change framework to ensure all communications risks and opportunities are identified and integrated into a thoughtful, actionable plan that promotes engagement and reinforces change behaviors/actions. Our team serves as facilitators and “brokers,” bringing together the right people, at the right time, to define, communicate, and accelerate the adoption and successful implementation of change efforts.
Best Practice and Skills Training
We equip senior executives and managers with tools, skills, and best practices, including the 4Rs Model for Communicating for Results (Communications Ready, Responsive, Reinforced, and Results). Training services and products include best practice toolkits, monthly webinars, and specialized training in risk and crisis communication, issue and reputation management, and effective media interaction.
Communications and Innovations
We develop and optimize new information and communications in all the right online and offline tools, channels, and strategies. We harness the power of traditional and social media tools to craft precise, actionable, culturally appropriate, and highly engaging messages and materials that resonate with target audiences and markets.
Communications Performance Improvement
We integrate communications and marketing with solutions in data, technology, and innovation to empower clients to lead/manage change, modernize communications processes, achieve business objectives, and anticipate and respond to what’s next.
Communications Literacy
We use audience research to create an informed content strategy, customized to the audience and situation. We incorporate visual and interactive design to encourage message update. We take into account health literacy, often incorporating plain language techniques to help make messages more accessible to the widest possible audience.