Supporting VA’s Execution of Modernization Initiatives


Modernization efforts direct the transformation of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) with the objective to orient all VA operations to the needs and expectations of our Veterans and beneficiaries, while assuming a greater role in assisting in the identification of transformation opportunities and the resolution of barriers to success. While these initiatives are a significant focus of the Modernization efforts, the scope of the Modernization exceeds the implementation of the 2017 Initiatives.


VA contracted Atlas Research to facilitate senior leadership decision boards that govern the progress of transformational efforts and address risks or issues that would affect their success; analyze and document the incubation of new initiatives; develop departmental artifacts and documents that affect VA transformation efforts; and sponsor transformational studies and analyses.


Atlas’ work allows VA to execute and deliver on initiatives that align with Modernization. To execute on these objectives, the team provided a combination of planning, analytics, facilitation, and advisory support to assist VA in aggressively and successfully advancing Modernization efforts to better align with the needs of Veterans and their beneficiaries.