Improving Outreach to Rural Veterans


Many of  the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA’s) valuable health information resources and services are currently underutilized by Veterans living in rural areas. VA understands the weight of these and other care gaps faced by rural Veterans and has embarked on initiatives to improve communication and outreach.


The VA Capitol Health Care Network engaged Atlas Research to develop and implement communications and outreach strategies, informed by rigorous analysis, to help increase awareness and utilization of VA health-related services and resources.


To spread the news about VA’s services, Atlas deployed an outreach campaign, developed more than 35 outreach products, created academic posters, and presented at professional conferences.  Supporting two VA outreach coordinators who connected specifically with rural populations over a one-year period, the team attended more than 80 events, made more than 20,000 connections, and enrolled more than 250 Veterans in the Veterans Health Administration.

By improving services, access, and outreach, Atlas helped the Network embrace VA's pursuit of better serving rural Veterans.